Metal AMP Research Group
Dorota Dudek
Last year PhD student , working in SONATA BIS project. Author of 11 published papers with a total impact factor over 39. Currently working mostly on dissertation. After work a baking, sport and true crime stories enthusiast.
Scientific interests:
Bioinorganic and biomedical chemistry, metal ion homeostasis in human pathogens, antimicrobial peptides, zincophores, metallophores, understanding biomolecule – metal interactions, thermodynamics and solution structure of metal-biomolecule complexes.
Used techniques: NMR, UV-Vis, CD, EPR spectroscopy, potentiometry, calorimetry, mass spectrometry, fluoresce

2016-now - PhD Student, Biological Inorganic Chemistry Research Group, University of Wrocław, Faculty of Chemistry, Wrocław, Poland (head: D.Sc. Elżbieta GumiennaKontecka) Supervisor: Dr. Magdalena Rowińska-Żyrek
2014-2016 - MSc in Chemistry, University of Wrocław, Faculty of Chemistry, Wrocław, Poland Thesis: “Impact of Zn(II) on the fibrillation properties of pramlintide” Supervisor: Dr. Magdalena Rowińska-Żyrek
2013-2015 - MSc in Environmental Biotechnology, Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Chemistry Thesis: “Phytotoxicity evaluation of flavonoids fraction extracted from Equisetum arvense L.”
Scientific experience:
6-months research stay at University of Siena, Italy within the W. Iwanowska project funded by NAWA, 13.01-19.07.2020
FEBS combined practical and lecture course chemistry of metals in biological systems, Louvain-la-neuve May 21st to 28th 2017
Third Summer School of Bioinorganic Medicinal Chemistry, 28.08-1.09.2017, Cagliari, Italy
Research grants/awards:
W. Iwanowska research project scholarship funded by NAWA, enabling PhD students a stay at a foreign University for the purpose of conducting research.
Scholarship in the Max Born Student Scholarship Program in the field of Physical and Chemical Sciences, Wroclaw, Poland, 2019
2019 - SBIC Student Travel Grant for attendance in 19th International Conference on Biological Inorganic Chemistry in Interlaken, Switzeland
2019 - ISABC15 student travel award, Nara, Japan
Fellowships for the PhD students from the University of Wroclaw, 2016-2021
Fellowships for the best PhD students from the Rector of University of Wrocław, 2017-2021
Pro-quality Fellowship for the best PhD students from the University of Wroclaw, 2017-2021
2017 - grant for the participation to the Third Summer School of Bioinorganic Medicinal Chemistry, corresponding to a discount in the fees for the School. Cagliari, Italy
Research projects:
2018-2019 - Principal investigator in research grant for young scientists entitled “Influence of the membrane mimicking environment on the coordination of Zn2+ and Cu2+ ions by non-aggregating analogues of amylin" funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
2018-2020 - main executive in Sonata Bis project entitled "The interaction of antimicrobial peptides with metal ions - understanding the relationship between coordination chemistry, structure, thermodynamics and mode of action" funded by National Science Centre. principal investigator: Magdalena Rowińska-Żyrek, DSc, PhD
2016-2018 - main executive in Sonata project entitled „Understanding the interactions of zinc(II) with zincophores and transporters in fungal pathogens” funded by National Science Centre. principal investigator: Magdalena Rowińska-Żyrek, DSc, PhD
List of papers:
1. Alghrably Mawadda, Dudek Dorota, Emwas Abdul-Hamid, Jaremko Łukasz, Jaremko Mariusz, Rowińska-Żyrek Magdalena. Copper(II) and amylin analogues: a complicated relationship, Inorganic Chemistry, 2020, 59, 2527-2535
2. Hecel Aleksandra, Ostrowska Małgorzata, Stokowa-Sołtys Kamila, Wątły Joanna, Dudek Dorota, Miller Adriana, Potocki Sławomir, Matera-Witkiewicz Agnieszka, Domínguez-Martín Alicia, Kozłowski Henryk, Rowińska-Żyrek Magdalena. Zinc(II)—the overlooked éminence grise of chloroquine’s fight against COVID-19? Pharmaceuticals, 2020, 13, 228/1-228/29
3. Dudek Dorota, Miller Adriana, Draghi Sara, Valensin Daniela, Mikołajczyk Aleksandra, Matera-Witkiewicz Agnieszka, Witkowska Danuta, Stokowa-Sołtys Kamila, Rowińska-Żyrek Magdalena. Zn(II)-alloferon complexes - similar sequence, different coordination modes, no antibacterial activity, Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 2020, 213, 111275/1-111275/9
4. Bellotti Denise, Toniolo Mattia, Dudek Dorota, Mikołajczyk Aleksandra, Guerrini Remo, Matera-Witkiewicz Agnieszka, Remelli Maurizio, Rowińska-Żyrek Magdalena. Bioinorganic chemistry of calcitermin – the picklock of its antimicrobial activity, Dalton Transactions, 2019, 48, 13740-13752
5. Potocki Sławomir, Delgado Paula, Dudek Dorota, Janicka-Kłos Anna, Kozłowski Henryk, Rowińska-Żyrek Magdalena. Pneumococcal HxxHxH triad - Copper(II) interactions - How important is the 'x'?, Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2019, 488, 255-259
6. Łoboda Dorota, Rowińska-Żyrek Magdalena. Candida albicans zincophore and zinc transporter interactions with Zn(II) and Ni(II), Dalton Transactions, 2018, 47, 2646-2654
7. Łoboda Dorota, Kozłowski Henryk, Rowińska-Żyrek Magdalena. Antimicrobial peptide–metal ion interactions : a potential way of activity enhancement. New Journal of Chemistry, 2018, 42, 7560-7568
8. Bellotti Denise, Łoboda Dorota, Rowińska-Żyrek Magdalena, Remelli Maurizio. Investigation on the metal binding sites of a putative Zn(II) transporter in opportunistic yeast species Candida albicans, New Journal of Chemistry, 2018, 42, 8123-8130
9. Miller Adriana, Dudek Dorota, Potocki Sławomir, Czapor-Irzabek Hanna, Kozłowski Henryk, Rowińska-Żyrek Magdalena. Pneumococcal histidine triads – involved not only in Zn2+, but also Ni2+ binding? Metallomics, 2018, 10, 1631-1637
10. Łoboda Dorota, Rowińska-Żyrek Magdalena. Zinc binding sites in Pra1, a zincophore from Candida albicans. Dalton Transactions, 2017, 46, 13695-13703
11. Łoboda Dorota, Rowińska-Żyrek Magdalena. Zn(II) - pramlintide : stability, binding sites and unexpected aggregation, Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 2017, 174, 150-155