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49th ISMEC Conference, Valencia 2022


This year's ISMEC conference was a time full of exceptionally joyful moments and successes for us. Our group had the opportunity to present their results during four presentations (Magda, Joanna, Denise, Adriana) and a poster session (Kinga). In addition to the previously mentioned Pulidori Award, we also returned with the Award for the Best Poster - congratulations Kinga! We will remember this conference as four days filled mainly with scientific meetings, but also with interesting non-scientific discussions in a joyful and friendly atmosphere.

Thank you to the Organizers for this great time!



Biologically Active Metallopeptides Research Group

ul. F. Joliot-Curie 14

50-383 Wrocław


University of Wrocław
Department of Chemistry


©2021 by Filip Dudek. Created with

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