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Short Term Scientific Missions 2021


Thanks to the STSM Nectar COST Action 18208, our two PhD students, Kinga Garstka and Adriana Miller could take a part in abroad internships. Kinga has spent two months at the University of Ferrara under the supervision of prof. Maurizio Remelli. During this time, she investigated the zinc-binding properties of the fragments of two proteins - ZnuA and AztC from Paracoccus denitrificans. Adriana has spent one month at the University of Siena. She was working under the supervision of prof. Daniela Valensin and focused on the NMR measurements and analysis of three antimicrobial peptides (PvHCt, Histatin 5, Histatin 5-8) and their Zn(II) and Cu(II) complexes. All obtained results are necessary for a proper understanding of the analysed systems. We are very grateful for this precious experience and fruitful cooperation.



Biologically Active Metallopeptides Research Group

ul. F. Joliot-Curie 14

50-383 Wrocław


University of Wrocław
Department of Chemistry


©2021 by Filip Dudek. Created with

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